Foods to boost fertility


They are rich in potassium and vitamin B6, banana aids in improving fertility. It does so by improving sperm and egg quality and regulating reproductive hormones.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in antioxidants,which helps in eliminating the free radicals from the body. Consumption of whole grains can be effective in the overall fertility of both men and women.

Green Vegetables

The leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach contains iron & folate which improves the fertiliy. Folate helps in better ovulation.


Consumption of citrus fruits are highly recommended to improve fertility. Try including limeoranges, tangerines as they are rich in antioxidants.

Kidney Beans

BEANS are Full of lean protein and iron, beans are known to increase a woman’s fertility and libido.


 Berries are full of antioxidants and thus, protect eggs from damage and ageing. Berries, specifically strawberry, also increase a woman’s libido.


Baked potatoes are a great source of Vitamin C. Also, they are said to be effective in treating luteal phase defects (when your ovaries do not release enough progesterone).

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in non-heme iron. A study found that women who regularly consumed this iron were 40 per cent less likely to have trouble getting pregnant than those who did not consume it.

Olive OIl

Olive oil is monosaturated fat that decreases inflammation in the body. Inflammation is said to interfere with ovulation and early development of the embryo.

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