Benefits of having white rice

Easy-to-cook and light on thestomach, white rice has various health benefits. Many nutritionists suggest that rice cannot make you fat, whenconsumed in moderation.

1. Stabilize blood sugar level

Though the rice is high in starch and has a high glycemic index. But when accompanied by vegetables,

2. It is gluten free

Rice is a blessing for people who are allergic to gluten or have celiac disease. It can easily be turned into flour, noodles and bread

3. It's a powerhouse of energy

Rice is rich in carbs, which provides you with energy quickly. Even athletes prefer having white rice when they need an instant boost of energy.

4. Aids health heart

The American Heart Association says that whole grain rice improves blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Easy  to digest

White rice does not have a a compound called phytic acid, the anti-nutrient which causes digestive issues. On the days when you are in a hurry or have an upset stomach, dal

6. Keeps your gut healthy

White rice has a good amount of soluble fibre, which is a resistant starch called butyrate. Butyrate can boost your gut health by reducing

7. It is rich in Zinc

Hundreds of proteins that control gene activity, support tissue structure and boost your metabolism, rely on zinc to function.

8. Maganese

One cup of rice has 0.6 mg of manganese, which is one-quarter of your daily recommended intake. It helps your body derive energy.

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