How excessive caffeine is harmful?

Despite being lauded for its antioxidant properties, caffeine can have unalterable side effects on the skin.

Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it can lead to fluid loss. If you don't drink enough water to compensate for this fluid loss, you may become dehydrated.

Fluid Loss

The high acidity of coffee can interfere with your hormones and impact the amount of oil your skin produces.

Impact Skin

Coffee drinks with dairy products increase your risk of developing acne.


Excessive taking of caffeine can cause dry skin patches can appear around your nose and chin area.

Dry Patches

High amount of Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, increased heart rate, and other side effects.

Sleep Issue

If  you're drinking more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day you have  Frequent urination or inability to control urination

Frequent Urination

Coffee’s laxative effect has been attributed to the release of gastrin, a hormone the stomach produces that speeds up activity in the colon.

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