Tips that help to gain confidence

1. Get things done

Confidence is built on accomplishment. If you achieve small and big goals, you're going to feel much better about yourself.

2. Monitor Your Progress

The best way to reach your goals, big or small, is break them into smaller goals and to monitor your progress. Whether you're trying to get promoted, get a better job, get into graduate school

3.  Exercise

Besides benefitting your health in general, exercising helps memory retention, improves focus, helps manage stress and prevents depression.

4.  Do The Right Thing

Most confident people live by a value system and make their decisions based on that value system, even when it's hard and not necessarily in their best interest.

5.  Be Fearless

Failing isn't your enemy, it's fearing failure that truly cripples you. If you set big goals and have big dreams, you're going to feel overwhelmed, and you're inevitably going to feel like you can't do it.

6. Stand up for yourself

When your goal, project, etc. is in its early stages, and someone says that your goal is stupid, or that you can not do it, it's tempting to believe them because they're joining the chorus of doubts inside your head.

7. Think long term

The foundation of unhappiness is decisions made for short-term comfort that impede long-term goals

8. Don't Care What Others Think

Peole will tell you your goal is too big, or that you're not ready, or that you can't do it, that it's never been done before, etc., and you absolutely can not listen to them.

9. Do More Of  What Makes You Happy

Whatever it is you love, create space for it, because life is short- you need time to enrich your life and to recharge to be your best self.

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