Tips to avoid oily skin during monsoons


During the monsoon, due to the increased humidity sweating is common. To combat the losses To combat the losses of water due to the same, it is important to drink plenty of water.

Skip the makeup

To avoid your skin becoming too weighed down from the oils in your makeup products,  Many experts recommends skipping on the heavy makeup during monsoon.

Use gel-based sunscreens

Sswitching to gel-based and non-comedogenic sunscreens during monsoon as they will keep your skin free of oils and won’t occlude on your skin making it feel too sticky.

Carry a blotting paper/tissue

You must always carry a blotting paper or a tissue on your person at all times, during the monsoon. Additionally, refrain from touching your face too frequently as that will transfer germs onto your skin.

Exfoliate gently

Regular exfoliation is vital to get rid of dead skin cells and prevent dullness. However, choose a gentle exfoliator that suits your skin type to avoid irritation.

Avoid eating  spicy & oily foods

Spicy or oily food may lead  to  increased oil production.  To avoid oily skin stay away from these type of foods

Take a hot shower & Use Toner

Hot shower increase  blood circulation and  helps our pores to open up. This will you to remove excess oil and impurities from face.

Avoid sugar caffeine  contain food

Avoid food rich in sugar & caffeine as they increase oil production  in the skin. Fibre rich food like legumes and whole grains are good for skin.

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