Giloy – Heart Shaped Leaf! Bundle of Benefits. Read for Cautions

Giloy benefits and caution

Introduction Ayurved is an age old Indian medical science with word ‘Ayurveda’ made up of two words‘Ayu’ + ‘ved’ literally meaning ‘knowledge of life’, thus propagating and preaching ‘way ofliving’. Moreover, Ayurveda aims to maintain health of healthy and relieve those who aresuffering from diseases. For fulfilling this purpose, various drugs and herbs have beendescribed … Read more

Yoga and Aging: Maintaining Mobility and Vitality as We Grow Older

Yoga and Aging: We Grow Older

So, you are reaching your golden years! It’s time to maintain your body balance and shape. Practicing yoga is the best and easiest way to achieve these goals. It will help you get relief from pains and aches. Researches show that daily yoga can ease many common conditions like arthritis, hypertension, rheumatism, heart diseases, and … Read more

Addressing Bullying: Strategies for Supporting Children’s Mental Health in School and Beyond

Supporting Children's Mental Health

Bullying in school time affects children both mentally and physically. Parents should be careful and proactive in identifying if their child is involved in such circumstances. Here we are going to discuss the strategies that help recognize and address bullying effectively. Misconceptions Many parents think that bullying indicates their child is a bad person. Remember, … Read more

The Benefits of Morning Walks: 10 Scientifically Proven Features


We often see people walking in morning, some say evening walk is equally beneficial. The debate of morning walk vs evening walk is long discussed, in this blog lets read 10 scientifically proven points about benefits of Morning walk. Walking in the morning can have a great crash on your physical, mental, and emotional health, … Read more

Crucial Aspects for Solo Travelers: The Ultimate Guide, Advantages, Star-Studded Cases, and Statistical Perspectives

Crucial Aspects for Solo Travelers

Enjoying freedom, self-discovery, and life-changing expertises, travelling alone is an exciting trip. For a safe, enjoyable, and enriching trip, there are some necessary points to remember even if this is your first time travelling alone or you’re an experienced traveler. The top ten recommendations for solo Travelers, an examination of the features of travelling alone, … Read more

Wellness Rituals for Busy Moms: Finding Moments of Calm in Everyday Chaos

Wellness Rituals for Busy Moms

Motherhood is a beautiful experience. Nevertheless when other elements are at play such as balancing responsibilities and managing household chores and caring for children moms often feel overwhelmed. Your stress shows itself internally and you find yourself irritable with a racing mind and struggling to sleep. To ease the moments of stress and find moments … Read more

Athletes, connected with Yoga? Boost Performance and Avoid Injuries!

Yoga to Boost Performance and Avoid Injuries

In recent years, athletes of all sports have been using yoga more and more as an appended form of exercise. Famous Celebrities and Athletes Many Indian celebrities and athletes have embraced Yoga for various health and performance benefits, example: Yoga is a wonderful discipline. It makes you feel confident and competitive. Practice yoga, it will … Read more

Healthy Aging for Women: Embracing Grace and Vitality at Every Age

Healthy Aging for Women

👧 When women age, it seems to be a beautiful and graceful transition. Transitioning into golden years needs a comprehensive approach in terms of health. Of course, aging is a natural process, but it has its own set of significances to consider. Let’s see how a woman can embrace her aging with grace and vitality. … Read more

Healthy Aging for Men: Lifestyle Choices for Maintaining Vitality and Longevity

Healthy Aging for Men: Lifestyle Choices

Dear Machos !!! 💪 It is easy to say ‘age is just a number’ but difficult to conceive the idea because age is a reminder to the body and mind that you are getting weak day by day. So, think how can you age happily and healthily? ✔ Do you feel like you are getting … Read more

Resolving arguments in a relationship? Is it possible 🤔

Resolving arguments in a relationship

It is well said that no one wants to have an open argument in any relationship. Closing an argument is an art which consist empathy, communication and it also involves compromises. The reasons for arguments? Tips to close relationship! Embracing Emotional Mindfulness Prior to delving in mechanics of closing the argument, it is quite much … Read more