Resolving arguments in a relationship? Is it possible 🤔

It is well said that no one wants to have an open argument in any relationship. Closing an argument is an art which consist empathy, communication and it also involves compromises.

The reasons for arguments?

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Tips to close relationship!

Embracing Emotional Mindfulness

Prior to delving in mechanics of closing the argument, it is quite much vital to develop emotional awareness. It is important to understand your emotions & understand that the partner even goes through different kind of feelings. Here, you need to also recognize the emotional charge that is in the air & deal with the current situation with sympathy & understanding.

Creating Safe Space

Developing a safe atmosphere for clear communication is crucial. You should select the neutral space for discussion where both the partners feel comfortable through which you can express their emotions & thoughts without any kind of judgement fear. It sets up a stage to have honest & open dialogue.

Actively Listen

The cornerstone for proper communication is known to have active listening. You should properly hear and discuss what your partner says, devoid of interrupting and without formulating the response when they talk. It clearly demonstrates your respect towards your partner and it also validates their feelings. This also foster a sense that you are being understood & heard.

Express about your point patiently

When you get a chance to speak and discuss your thoughts. Be patient, calm and clear while you share your points. You should always avoid the harsh language & rather you should clearly focus on the statement saying “I” to express the feelings & perspectives. However, for example, you should say “I was hurt & distressed when…” rather than saying “You always do this…”

Avoid Argument Escalation

There is no doubt that an argument may get escalated quickly if both the partners does not stay to be mindful about the language and tone that they use.  It is suggestable to avoid raising the voice, should not use any inflammatory language, and should also not resorting to any kind of personal attacks. It is important that you should stay completely focused on issue at your hand, and you should also remember, that goal is about the resolution of the argument and not your or his victory.

Look for some common Ground

Inspite of any differences, usually you should look for some common ground that needs to be discovered. You should Identify some of the shared values and goals which may also serve as the key foundation to close this as compromise. It helps to clearly shift the focus starting from disagreement to mutual desire that is meant for the pleasant relationship.

Key is Empathy

Yes, it is well said that empathy is bridge which connects the hearts also in middle of the disparity. It is important that you should put yourself in the shoes of your partner and should also understand about their perspective. Moreover, demonstrating the empathy also fosters complete sense of respect with emotional connect.

Close for Understanding, Don’t close at Agreement

This is quite unrealistic for expecting the complete agreement which is based on regular issue. Rather, you should also focus to look for a proper understanding. Moreover, when you does not see eye to eye, it is important for understanding of every viewpoints which may also offer a specific way for resolution.

If you feel to take a break, take it! At times, emotions might run quite high, and so if you feel to take a break for cooling down the matter, is completely okay. Relax, ask your partner for a small break.  You may also agree to take one step back where you can simply revisit the discussion while both partners stay at calm mind state. It helps to simply prevents saying any such harsh words during heated communication which would be later regretted.

Always be Open for Compromises

Yes, every healthy relationship flourish on compromise. Here, both partners might simply adjust to each other expectations and may also find some middle ground solution to close this argument. Such kind of willingness and readiness to close the argument in middle is a powerful tool which helps in conflict resolution.


Through creating an open and safe space where you both can discuss openly working on active listening as well as approaching any of the conflicts with complete empathy will lead to resolution. Here, partners not just resolve any such disagreements but it will also help to strengthen the common bond. You should see these arguments as a clear opportunity for transformation & growth, which finally deepens the connection among your partner.

Thank You🙏

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