Giloy – Heart Shaped Leaf! Bundle of Benefits. Read for Cautions


Ayurved is an age old Indian medical science with word ‘Ayurveda’ made up of two words
‘Ayu’ + ‘ved’ literally meaning ‘knowledge of life’, thus propagating and preaching ‘way of
living’. Moreover, Ayurveda aims to maintain health of healthy and relieve those who are
suffering from diseases. For fulfilling this purpose, various drugs and herbs have been
described with different properties and qualities for curing ailments as well as for
rejuvenation and longevity.

Guduchi popularly known as Giloy, is one such plant. It has both – therapeutic and rejuvenate properties and is therefore, in Sanskrit called ‘Amrita’ derived from the word ‘amrit’ which was the heavenly elixir marking youth and longevity.

No doubt, it finds its mention and use in so many tribal and folk medicines of India. It can be used to treat several diseases when used in different preparatory forms and adjuvants.

Parts Used:

Stem and Leaves: Usually fresh or dried Stem is used. Though, its leaves are also used in
certain medications and wound healing.

Different Forms

Decoction and Juice:

In classics, fresh stem of the plant is used for consumption in form of
decoction and juices.
Decoction is prepared by taking 4-6 pieces of giloy stem approx (1to1.5 inch each) in 200ml
of water and boiling it to reduce till 50 ml.

Ghana Satwa:

Precipitated concentrate of the plant is prepared by a specific method and is
available in form of powder or tablets.


Dried stem of the plant is powdered and used.


Powder of either dried stem or Ghana satwa is made into tablets.
It is treated with different drugs, formulations and processes to suit and cure different
diseases and thus is a part of various medicines in Ayurvedic classics.

Multi-Benefits of Giloy

1. Fever reducer

Giloy fever reducer

Giloy is a very well known potent anti pyretic drug thus finds its use in reducing fever. Its decoction is immensely useful in increasing platelets and became widely popular as a household remedy for catering Dengue fever, also leading to faster recovery.

2. Rasayan

As per Ayurved, Giloy is a potent rasayan or rejuvenator and thus regular consumption could not only provide longer and healthy life but also delays ageing process.

Giloy Ageing

3. Brain Tonic

Giloy Brain

Juice of Giloy has been mentioned among a few special drugs meant for strengthening brain activities including cognitive abilities, memory, concentration and retention.

4. Wound-Healing

With its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties it helps in faster wound healing and recovery.

5. Metabolism

Giloy has astringent properties that help in improving digestion and metabolism. It
increases energy and improves appetite. It is mentioned to have properties to alleviate
excessive fat in the body and correct metabolism. Due to its hypolipidemic or fat decreasing
property, it is in conditions such as, increased cholesterol, obesity and heart diseases like

6. Therapeutic Properties

In Ayurved, it is used in several medicines in different forms and formulations to treat a number of diseases. It has anti-oxidant properties and reduces inflammation, therefore, besides hypercholesterolemia, obesity, atherosclerosis, it is also helpful in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

It also has anti-diabetic, anti-spasmodic and antiallergic properties.

7. Skin Diseases

Giloy’s basic properties make it an ideal drug for prevention of skin diseases and allergies.

Giloy Skin

8. Immunity Booster

It has known immune-modulator effects. It improves body’s protective or defense mechanism against infections. Its regular consumption in form of decoction or powder, particularly during every season change, makes your immunity stronger and you fall less ill or sick.


Giloy is useful and safe plant even in children and pregnancy, though, there’s one caution that Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) there are some similar looking species like Tinospora crispa which may be harmful to use.

Hence, Guduchi is a safe and effective Ayurveda medicine, however it is advisable to use it in consultation with a qualified, registered Ayush physician.

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