- Dont you clearly remember how she/he treated you when you are back from Office?
- Isn’t special when you come back home, after tiring day and see your partner welcoming you with love, smiling face and a big tight hug?
Guys, there is no better opportunity to express your love and warmth when they are back home It not just enhances your relationship but it creates a wonderful and positive atmosphere in your house.
Let us now see what are the different ways through which you can greet your partner. However, by considering different kinds of approaches as well as gestures which might enhance connection between your partner.
Energy of Warm Welcome:
Significance of some of the wonderful moments when the partner walks inside your house door does not be exaggerated. It definitely helps to set up the tone for rest evening and it also contributes to complete well-being of the relationship. Below mentioned are few heartfelt ways through which you can greet partner when they are home:
1. Greet them with Deep Eye Contact & Smile 
Start with the genuine smile while you make an eye contact. It is considered to be a simple action which convey that you genuinely seem to be happy after meeting them. It creates an instant sense of connection & warmth.
2. I missed you so much 
You can express your affection through words like, simple word like Welcome home, honey or aah, I missed you so much. These phrases will communicate not just your happiness but will also create an emotional connection.
3. Physical Touch 
There is no denial to the fact that warm hug, gentle kiss and tender grip will speak about volumes. Also, physical touch is considered to be a powerful way through which we can convey love & reinforce some of the emotional bond among both the partners.
4. Listening their entire day schedule with interest 
You should take genuine interest when your partner explains about their day’s schedule. You may also ask about the experiences, about challenges and triumphs. It helps to clearly proves that you truly value their thoughts & take interest to know what has happened the entire day in your partner’s life.
5. Surprise Gestures 
You can Infuse the surprise element to your greeting. This could also be handwritten which express your affection & love, it could also be a small gift, or it could be even preparing the favorite evening snack for your partner. The thoughtful surprises will help to demonstrate the commitment for nurturing your relationship.
6. Spending Quality Time 
This time you should only focus being present mentally, physically and emotionally with them. Spending quality time will definitely enhance the sense of intimacy & connection.
7. Humor can take it to next level 

It is well said that laughing is a powerful tool which creates a wonderful bonding, also sharing some light moment on their arrival may also create relaxed & joyful atmosphere.
8. Memory Lane
You can sometime revisit some of the shared memories while you greet your partner. Moreover, reference of the special moment that you have also shared and remind about any of the fond memory. You should never create any of the nostalgia however you may even strengthen depth of the association.
9. Spontaneity 
You can embrace your partners with some spontaneous acts such as surprise dance, unplanned song, or any other playful gesture. This will definitely help to break the monotony and it will also infuse great level of energy in such moment.
10. Sharing a Compliment 
You can complement your partner and truly acknowledge something which you appreciate a lot about them. It could be their appearance, their qualities, their nature and their achievements. This is definitely the most positive reinforcement which truly contributes to the positive environment in your home.
At the end, let this be beginning for making your relationship strong
It is well said that impact of any kind of thoughtful Greeting as well as warm greeting completely goes beyond a simple routine. It definitely has a profound and wonderful impact on complete dynamics of the relationship. This help to establish a secure as well as the most supportive atmosphere where both the partners feel cherished & valued. However, it not just leaves a positive impact on the partners or on their relationship, but for entire family and for kids it creates a wonderful impact.
It is also imperative to make the greetings personalized as well as customized as per the preference of your partner. You should understand their preferences, their love language, as well as you should also know some of the unique dynamics about your relationship. Below mentioned are few ideas to personalized your ways to greet your partner when they are back at home.
Thank You
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