Should Parents be friends with their kids? Pros and cons

There are many people who still think that is it Okay to be friends with their kids? Different people have different answer on this question. There are different opinions on whether or not having a good relationship with your child makes it easier to talk to them and understand them. Some say that having a clear relationship with your kid is important for control and direction. There are both good and bad things about parents being friends with their kids. We will break down difficult ideas into easy-to-understand words.


1. Open communication:

Being able to talk to each other freely is helpful. If you share the friendship bond with your kids, you can tell them to talk to you freely whenever and whatever they want to talk about. If kids see their parents as friends instead of strict parents, they may feel more comfortable and tell them about their all fears, thoughts, and feelings and what is going on in their life.

  • For example, a kid might be more likely to tell their parent about their problems if they also like that parent. We do this because it helps us deal with and fix problems as a group.

2. Building trust:

People trust each other more when they are friends. Kids trust their parents more when their parents know them well. Teenage years are tough because you have to make more choices and become more independent. This trust can help you get through those years. When kids know their parents won’t judge or criticize them strongly, they are more likely to tell them everything. This trust makes the link between parents and kids stronger, leading to a closer bond.

  • For example, if a teen and parent trust each other, the teen may be more likely to talk to the parent about something and ask for help when things are tough instead of moving without thinking.

3. Things that every person does:

You can do things and enjoy hobbies with your kids if you are friends with them. For a stronger bond between parents and children, do things that both of you can enjoy. This can lead to fond memories and fun times.

  • For example, play games (indoor or outdoor) with your kids so that it can help you to spend quality time together and feel closer to each other.

4. Knowing the Point of View:

You can understand your child’s point of view better if you know anything about them. Being friends with your kids makes you more likely to understand their problems and struggles, which help you, and lead them better.

  • For example, if a your kid is upset about a fight with a friend, a parent who is also a friend of them might understand better and be able to give them advice which can help them to take decision.

5. Respectful Discipline:

Friendship doesn’t mean sacrificing discipline. Parents can maintain authority while still being friends with their kids. By using respectful and constructive discipline methods, such as setting clear boundaries and explaining consequences, parents can teach their children valuable life lessons without damaging their relationship.

5 Pros


1. Not having enough power:  

It’s not true! Fear that there may not be enough power is chief among them. Parents who are too busy being friends with each other might not be able to set and follow the rules and limits that are not good for their child’s growth.

  • For example, a kid might not follow rules or listen to any parental advice which is important for them if they see their parent as more of a friend than a person who can guide them.

2. Confusion about Roles:

It can be hard to remember your jobs when you’re friends with your kids. Sometimes it can be very hard for parents to tell their kids the difference between seeing their parent as a friend and seeing them as a more important adult.

  • For example, there are some kids who do not want to follow any family rules or get in problems because they want their parents to understand instead of realizing the need for rules and boundaries.

3. Having trouble setting rules:

It can be hard to tell a friend what to do. Parents may not set limits or give punishments if they care too much about having a good relationship. Kids might not be able to understand what it means to be responsible if they do this.

  • For example, if a child breaks the rules, a parent who is also friends with the child might find it hard to punish them. This might make people not understand why rules are important and lead to misunderstandings.

4. Problems with dependencies:

When people are too friendly with each other, they might have problems with dependence. Kids may have trouble being independent and making decisions if they think of their parent as more of a friend than a parent.

  • For example, a child may be afraid to make decisions on their own because they are always looking for approval and praise from their parent. They might not be able to learn important skills for life.

5. Risk of Undermining Authority Figures:

In a friendly parent-child relationship, parents risk undermining other authority figures in their children’s lives, such as teachers or mentors. Children may compare these figures to their parents’ friendship and question their guidance, leading to challenges in academic or social settings. Many people have different ideas about whether parents should be friends with their children. There are good and bad points to both sides. Becoming a friend and a boss at the same time is important. Kids should talk to each other, build trust, and do things together. Parents should be very clear about rules and also give their kids the help they need. At the end of the day, the goal is to create a place where people can feel safe, help each other, and take responsibility.

5 Cons

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