Giloy – Heart Shaped Leaf! Bundle of Benefits. Read for Cautions

Giloy benefits and caution

Introduction Ayurved is an age old Indian medical science with word ‘Ayurveda’ made up of two words‘Ayu’ + ‘ved’ literally meaning ‘knowledge of life’, thus propagating and preaching ‘way ofliving’. Moreover, Ayurveda aims to maintain health of healthy and relieve those who aresuffering from diseases. For fulfilling this purpose, various drugs and herbs have beendescribed … Read more

In Pregnancy – DON’T FORGET to Include AMLA in your Diet! DAILY?

In Pregnancy - Don't Forget To Eat Amla

During the transformative journey of pregnancy, the significance of maintaining a healthy diet takes on profound importance. The choices made at this juncture have far-reaching implications, influencing not only the immediate health of both mother and baby but also laying the groundwork for a future filled with strength, resilience, and the promise of a thriving … Read more