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We start drinking tea as soon as we wake up in the morning. Some people also call it Bed-Tea. People have many excuses for drinking tea like –
- Without tea, I can’t get enough pressure to go toilet!
- I feel tired without tea!
- Tea refreshes me!
- Drinking tea cures my headache!
- My body freshen up after drinking tea!
- After drinking tea, my stomach remains full and hence I am more fit without fat!
Well, we agree with you because tea in many part of the world, like India, is nothing less than a sentiment. It gives you the energy to get out of bed and also uplifts your mood.
But do you know, it leads to about 80 diseases in our body? Let us talk about some of the reasons why you should stop drinking tea on an empty stomach.
Reasons why you should stop drinking tea on an empty stomach
Tea contains about 18 chemicals like caffeine, nicotine etc., which when consumed produces acid in our body and then this acid flows through the blood in our whole body, causing knee pain, bone pain, heart attack, and many problems related to weakness.
Poor Metabolism
Drinking milk and caffeine in the morning pushes all the bacteria from your mouth to your gut, which affects your metabolism. In addition, it also degrades the health of your gut.
You might prefer tea to get rid of headaches. But, the reality is different. Tea is one of the reasons why you are experiencing headaches. So, drink plenty of water before you sleep to reduce or eliminate such troubles.
Do you know tea is a diuretic drink? So, it forces you to urinate frequently. Hence, your body can dehydrate if you do not increase your water intake.
Caffeine present in the tea increases the production of acid in your stomach, which causes inflammation and irritation. Also, drinking tea on an empty stomach results in acidity. Furthermore, the increased production of stomach acid also increases ulcer pain, bloating and heartburn.
The human body produces a hormone called cortisol, which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle and provides energy for all your daily activities. Caffeine is a barrier to cortisol production. Hence, drinking tea on an empty stomach leads to a feeling of sluggishness in the daytime.
Poor absorption of nutrients
Tea contains traces of tannins, which interferes with the absorption of iron and other nutrients by your body. Hence, drinking tea on an empty stomach affects the development of your mind and body.
What is the best time to enjoy a cup of tea?
Fit Humara Bharat does not recommend tea drinking. As soon as you drink tea, it kills your appetite, due to which your body does not get the required amount of nutrition, vitamins, minerals.
Now you known the impact of drinking tea, but still willing to destroy your body, then a good time is one to two hours after a meal. Many people drink tea in the evening with some snacks, which is a better option.
Do not drink tea before going to bed. Such beverages have a negative effect on your sleep.
Juices you should drink on an empty stomach – Alternative to tea
We recommend you boost your mornings with healthy and nutritious alternatives. Hence, try one of the following beverages in the morning, especially if your stomach is empty.
1. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot juice contains vitamins and minerals to improve your digestion system & also boosts your immunity. It also improves your stamina and maintains blood pressure. In addition, beetroot juice keeps you safe from cancer.
2. Coriander Juice
Coriander juice acts as a detoxifier, especially when you consume it on an empty stomach. Plus, it reduces cholesterol and treats skin inflammation.
3. Ash gourd Juice
Enjoy ash gourd juice on an empty stomach because of its anti-microbial properties. This juice also eliminates acidity and is helpful to keep you safe from depression.
4. Fenugreek juice
If you want to keep your skin and hair healthy, consume fenugreek juice on an empty stomach. Moreover, it helps you in weight loss and boosts libido.
5. Honey water
Drinking warm water with honey strengthens your immune system and improves your skin’s health. It also improves your digestion system and keeps your body hydrated throughout the day.
6. Lassi with jaggery
Jiggery mixed lassi are one of the best beverages you can drink in the morning. It provides a lot of useful minerals and keeps your body free from toxins.
7. Hot water
Do you want to get rid of the unwanted fat in your body? Start drinking hot water in the morning. Also, it cleans your intestine and removes waste from your body.