DOGA- Yoga With Dogs? What is it and what are its benefits?

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Yoga keeps your mind and body healthy. It also keeps depression and addiction at bay. But, have you ever tried doing yoga with your dog?

The name of this activity is called, DOGA!

Let’s learn more about it.

yoga with dogs

What is dog yoga or Doga?

As you guess from the name, dog yoga involves an adorable puppy roaming around your yoga mat, cuddling and playing with you as you move, breathe and change your postures. It helps promote your and your dog’s health.

Suzi Teitelman, a Jacksonville yoga teacher created the concept of Doga. It’s one of the best exercises for you and your pet. Dogs cannot perform most of the yoga poses, but it enjoys stretching. However, you should be attentive to your dog’s behaviour. If it does not like the movements, stop and try another day.

Benefits of dog yoga

Doing yoga with puppies is enjoyable. Apart from fun, doga has multiple other benefits.

1. Better physical health

Practising yoga with your dog keeps both of you healthy. Moreover, both of you stay within a good weight. So, it’s a perfect activity if you or your dog is overweight or out of shape.

Apart from that, doga is good for the cardiovascular system of you and your dog. Regular exercising also keeps your kid safe from arthritis and ACL injuries in old age. Apart from that, doga is also beneficial for dogs recovering from injuries. They can get pain relief due to stretching. It also helps to rebuild their strength.

2. Improved mental health

Yoga is beneficial to your mental health. It helps you to concentrate, focus and be attentive to things that matter in your life. Including dogs in your yoga sessions boosts the impact of these benefits.

Yoga with puppies also helps you to feel more positive and reduces your stress levels. In addition, it makes you feel less isolated, even if you live alone. Apart from humans, yoga provides mental stimulation to dogs. Hence, it sharpens their cognitive state

3. Motivation

Yoga brings a wide range of benefits to your mind and body. However, you have to practice it regularly to enjoy all the benefits. You cannot offer any advantages if you practice it inconsistently. The presence of a dog in your yoga session is a great motivation. Instead of getting lazy or complaining about your hectic schedule, you will look forward to practicing yoga with your puppy. You will be excited to start the yoga and you will never skip it. Moreover, you will never feel bored.

4. Relaxes you and your pooch

Doga helps you to burn the excess calorie and it also calms you. Plus, it makes you two mentally stable. When you are calm and relaxed, your dog will also stay composed. So, yoga could be a great help if you own a hyperactive dog. An anxious dog also learns to be still due to yoga. But, everything takes time. So, include a dog in your lifestyle and practice it regularly to see the results.

5. Entertainment

Doga is an enjoyable activity. You and your pet will like it. Dogs love their owners a lot and spending time with you will make your pooch feel happy and important. You will also forget all your worries and laugh often while doing yoga with your pooch.

6. Bonding

Doga is one of the best ways to bond with your pet. Working together as partners in yoga sessions increases the trust level and strengthens your relationship.

Tips for doing dog yoga

  1. Wear comfortable clothes  

The soft and comfortable fabric allows you to focus on your movements without any restrictions. Do not wear any of your favourite outfits because puppy fur will be all over them. Pick clothes that are durable and easy to wash because pooches have a habit of scratching or biting your clothes.

2. Handle your pet properly

Be calm and slow while performing yoga with your dogs. Do not chase them or pick them up forcefully. Do not push them to practice yoga poses. Respect their feelings.

3. Check the surrounding and keep your puppy safe

Be aware of the objects in your surrounding and ensure the safety of your pet at all times. Move carefully to prevent stepping on the dog or any other injury. Consult an expert if you need any guidelines.

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