These habits will give longevity to men, make these lifestyle changes from today itself

These habits will give longevity to men

Do you think your life depends on your genes? If you think Yes, then please understand your genes have a small role to play in this matter. Your diet, habits and lifestyle determine how long you can live. If you want to live a long and disease free life, pay attention to the following points. … Read more

Have you ever been embarrassed while working ? Remember – Embarrassment is an approach for growth process!

Embarrassment is an integral part of the growth process

A famous coach who used to train mountain climbers said – One of the biggest obstacles in the way of those who want to become successful climbers is the fear of embarrassment. This prevents you from achieving real growth and development. No matter what you’re trying to learn or accomplish, the fear of embarrassment becomes … Read more

Do you see your child upset, sad, irritated? Know the causes & symptoms of mental stress in children

Causes and symptoms of mental stress in children

Many people think that childhood was the happiest time of their life, isn’t it? However, children are also prone to stress, which can lead to depression.

One in four children struggle with stress before the age of nineteen.

Reasons could be school anxiety, peer pressure and many more.

Here we will discuss the causes and symptoms of stress in children. We request to read this blog so that you can keep your children stress free.

Causes of stress in children


Children spend a lot of time in their schools, where they have to fulfill a lot of academic responsibilities. Also, they focus on tuition, sports and extra-curricular activities. In addition, they may feel stressed trying to fit in among their friends.


Exams can put a lot of pressure on children and teenagers. You may be surprised, but children between the ages of 12 and 15 are most likely to feel stressed due to exams. Fear of failure is a common reason. Also, they don’t want to disappoint their parents. Such stress often results in anxiety and depression.

Family issues

Children look to their parents for guidance and support. But, the tussle between their parents leads them to stress. Also, children feel stressed when parents separate. Apart from this, economic issues, criminal activities in the family cause stress in children.


More than one million children are negatively affected by bullying each year. If someone is bullying your kids, you should deal with the situation as soon as possible.


Children get anxious when they see scenes of war, terrorist attacks, accidents, disasters and even horror movies. They may react negatively to excessive violence. Such visions can trigger a fear of new people, monsters, and the dark.

Symptoms of stress in children

1. Sleep Trouble

Almost all fears and anxieties choose bedtime to haunt your mind. So, stressed children may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. In addition, children under pressure wake up frequently due to nightmares.

2. Unexplained Injuries

Bullying is one of the biggest causes of stress in children. If children are getting into trouble because of some bullies, they tend to do poorly in academics, pretend to be unwell to skip school, feel mostly nervous, and don’t eat or sleep properly. Furthermore, they start losing their belongings and return home with unexplained injuries.

3. Struggle in studies

A stressed child may not perform well in school exams. So, if you notice a big drop in your children’s academic performance, they might be under stress. It never allows them to concentrate on their studies.

4. Desire to be alone

Stressed children do not want to spend time with their family members, friends or anyone else. He/She wants to be alone in his room.

Tips to help your child cope with stress

1. Spend time with your kids

Spend more time with your children to understand their problems. Ask about their day, but don’t force them to talk about anything. Wait for them to feel comfortable.

2. Give them a healthy diet

Give your kids plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to include variety to keep them interested.

3. Talk About Stress

Let your kids know that some degree of stress is normal in life and that you need to find ways to cope. Explain to them how you’ve dealt with difficult situations in the past. Also tell them that you are with them in case of any problem.

4. Keep Your Kids Active

Physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce stress. So let your kids play outside. Teach them breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. Also, use these methods to reduce your stress levels. Children follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Thank You 🙏

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